The Last Alpaca.

Inspired by the tastes of South American street food and a passion for contemporary South American culture as a whole, the brief was to develop a brand identity that would fit right in with the kind of design and illustration you’d see in the Favelas, whilst still feeling like an edgy new bar in Greenside, Johannesburg. 

Design Direction

An exploration of what the love child of Shipibo-Conibo pattern work and Johannesburg sign painting would look like.

  • Shipibo-Konibo Pattern Work

    The geometrical designs are called Quene or Kené, literally 'symbols of ethnic identity'. Indeed, they have always been a symbol of Shipibo-Konibo identity, differentiating them from other indigenous Amazonian groups.

  • Johannesburg Sign Painting

    The bar is in South Africa, Greenside to be exact, so it is important to anchor the concept with something that feels familiar on the ground.


Kulture Prints


Instagram: Creativity Unites